Pic: Gift
Phiri leaving the
megistrate courts last month.
remembrance of the world press freedom day, some of us (journalists) gathered at the press club to share our thoughts
about the media environment in our country among other things. We had a speech read by Foster
Dongozi (Zimbabwe Union of Journalists secretary general) on behalf of the International federation of Journalists
IFJ which highlighted a number of issues regarding our working environment.
"Impunity should no longer be tolerated
when a journalist is killed, attacked or threatened" he read."In
Africa it is sad to note that press freedom is constantly under.....
violent attacks on the media, arbitrary arrest and detention without trial, utilisation of draconian law to imprison journalists, impunity and bad working conditions are the main factors that continue to confront journalists.... in the continent" he said.
Such a scenario highlighted by the speech
Dongozi read, followed some very interesting comments and contributions from some journalists who had attended. It is sad to note that the press freedom day came during the government's
intensified campaign against journalist who are mostly from the private media. This year alone we saw the killing of Edward
Chikomba by unknown assailants, the arrest and torture of Gift
Phiri a journalist with the Zimbabwean and other journalists being denied accreditation. Furthermore
concerns were
also raised about the poor remuneration and working conditions journalists are being subjected to.
In his solidarity message D
ongozi highlighted the lack of activity
amongst Zim Journalists when it came to
resisting government threats. ' We need to come with programmes of action that will hold the authorities accountable" he said.
In the year 2000, the supreme court of
Zimbabwe ruled that monopoly of the airwaves is
unconstitutional. To the contrary, the playing
field in the operations of the
media is uneven with the government holding the monopoly of the airwaves. The
Zimbabwe Broadcasting Cooperation is being abused, as one journalist
said, and almost operating like a
propaganda machine of the ruling party. The media by and large is channeling hate messages and thus playing a dangerous roll, another journalist said. People in the highest
offices are seen uttering and given prominence to say messages like"instill fear in the hearts of a
white man".
We now have a situation where we have trial by the media another sited. The
official media saw it fit that they become the courts of
this land. We have
often seen headlines like "
MDC petrol bombers" even
before they (alleged MDC bombers) are proven guilty of such crimes. Quite a number of issues were discussed including the need for journalists to come up with a
petition to bring to attention our concerns as journalists before the
government and the issue of the media council. A minute of
silence was then observed in
remembrance of