Thursday, April 12, 2007

Flight to South Africa

Pic: PERFECT WING, I shot on board SAA

Leaving home has always been a hard time for me, especially when it demands me to cross boaders into the unknown. But i wouldn't have liked to miss the Digital journalism Workshop at Rhodes University either, for i knew the value of it. I don't know why these stories about "digital" make me tick. Probably it is its association with electronics that fascinate me. Anything digital provokes me. But i wont forget those Visa delays that nearly cost us our journey after the SA Embassy suffered a technical fault on their Visa printing machine - as i got it-and i thought all this information was merely sabotage. "Zimbabwe has always suffered the so called quiet but devastating shots from our dear comrade Thabo" i thought.

My flight was on on board an SA airways flight and i left Harare around 13:00hrs. A fantastic flight that came after years of being a seasoned traveller by road. I was carrying with me on board, some very fond memories about SA after having visited Johannesburg a couple of years back. A beautiful city full of horrors and thrillers. Up in the air soon after takeoff, i saw my little city look like a bowl, empty. " Come on Zimbabwe, dont be fooled" I thought. I reached Port Elizabeth airport around 6pm, only to be welcomed by a very cold wind and ofcourse a our safe driver who i can only identify by his warm smile. We were at Grahamstown finally in the comfort of our host team. Fantastic lads- Fortune, Benny,....... I had a nice sleep around 10pm on a little bed that had no justice to my height. I was rapped up in the night only to work up to meet yet another interesting character, Peter our Deutch trainee who took us into his so called "not moderrrrrrrn Peter!" but "modern" lessons about Digital Journalism. Remember! i have been colonised by the British.

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