Pic: MISSING IT,Dr Sikhanyiso Ndlovu at the Press Club.
Friday evening we (journalists) had a meeting with our new Minister of Information at our Press Club. Was it an opportunity lost? Nothing tangible came out of it with the exception of course of the wonderful lecture we had from our dear comrade! about the importance of embracing nation wood in our profession. We were told how the west is trying hook line and sinker to remove all governments born out of the struggle. Without leaving what has become "Zanu PF's infamous spice" the names of Tony Blair and George Bush were the Central theme of his entire speech.
Then came question time. We did not want our dear comrade to leave without attending to many pressing issues surrounding the media. One journalist asked the minister to clarify the government's position on the abductions, killing and torture of journalists siting events that happened recently. To most people's amazement, he replied "it is clear on behalf of government that the constitution of Zimbabwe is for freedom of association, expression and worship". Our dear Comrade would rather stick to hitting the question on the periphery, something he did with vigour. We gave him names and sited fresh incidences, but he kept of replying the Zanu PF way. Blame Tony and Bush, place them on tight corner and never let them escape.
"Minister whats your view on patriotism" one journalist asked, because it is now official in Zimbabwe that if one does not support the establishment he/she is labelled as an agent of imperialism. This is one highest level of mental colonialism, one journalist said. Why, comrade minister that if anyone differs with you, then there must be a white man behind that? "One has to have a divergent view but a responsible one", the minister replied. We have many opposition parties in Zimbabwe and newspapers too, he said, and that shows we respect that. But, where is the Daily News, the Tribune etc Cde Minister? Why are people arrested for saying Bob should vacate office like yesterday? Please Cde Minister lets walk the talk.
Many hot questions kept on coming from the flow, and they were met with the stiff resistance they deserved. At times the chairman would remind the the dear Cde, to stick to answering the question than diverting to his liberation war credentials, an art many Zanu PF followers have mastered. "Does going to war make one a revolutionary or can you become a revolutionary government by not necessarily going to war?" one asked. "At what point did you discover that the west is evil" another popped out. When are we going to see the Daily News operating again and also the licencing of new broadcasting stations?
Does one have to be a bootlicker to be in government?, was yet another question from the flow. Why does the state media lie with impunity? All these questions went unanswered, to put it right. The responses the minister gave was to continue to divert into his liberation war credentials or hitting on the periphery, that is, pretending one loves his wife by keeping his mobile number in the phone book. No! Cde Minister, we just want you to walk the talk.
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